Be Creative, Be Sustainable, Mindfully Make

Events/ Birthday Parties

Upcycle workshops & events for any occasion

Are you looking for a unique, special event for a small or large group?  Look no further as The ReCreators can design a sustainable, upcycling workshop for any occasion.

Team Building Activity
Community activation 
Birthday Party
Baby Shower
The list goes on...    
For more information, email or call Tasha on 021 0274 9136 

Kids Birthday Parties

Want a sustainable, DIY fun activity for the kids? The ReCreators can deliver a skills-based DIY activity into 2-3 hours at your home and desired location.  OUr range includes woodwork, potions & lotions, jewellery & braid making, sewing & weaving, journal and our fabulously child inspired Junk Creativity.  Designed for up to 8 children, its the perfect fun, learning experience and kids take home their unique creation.  

Girls with heart sewn at workshop     Girld decorating wooden bird house    Recreator drilling with a child

Adults Birthday Parties

Who said it was only for kids?!  The ReCreators deliver events for adults too!  Woodwork & Power Tools 101 (make a special something), DIY Beauty & Cleaning Recipes, Journal Making, Mindful Dot Art & Canvas Making plus much more.  Its a great bonding session between adults and kids too.  Find out more by emailing

Corporate Upcycling Learning Hour

Want to learn more about upcycling and don’t have a full or half-day.  We offer an hour lunchtime session where we can talk all about upcycling, the social enterprise and sustainable messages.  We will provide some ideas that are easy and can be done with little or no experience.  What options there are to extend your experience. 

Upcycling painting on wood   Woman with her finished wooden chopping board   2 women with macramé made from t shirts

Team Building Activities (Half or Full Day)

The ReCreators offer a fun half/ full day team building activity challenging teams to bring their creative and innovative game on.  We will liaise if you have a special theme for your occasion or time of year.  It brings us so much joy to be able to create unique upcycling events.  

Teams will be provided with an array of materials that can be upcycled into unique creations and inventions.   

Upcycle It is a great half-day/ full-day program to develop creativity in teams, time management, apply strategy and negotiation and provide your group with a new fun experience.

During the interactive session, we will explore what we know about sustainable practices, what we know but it difficult to implement because of other life commitments, what we don’t know and how we can make changes in our lives. 

There will also be creative, fun team exercises in upcycling using a variety of materials used in daily life.  This is a free play for adults or children.   A chance to explore what we are capable of creating.  No skills required but to think outside the box. 

It can also be a valuable exercise to develop creative concepts for organisations, families or companies.  Organisations/ families/ teams can display they're upcycled masterpiece as a sustainable inspiration for the home, community or workplace.

Create a team built an upcycled masterpiece or design your own workshop.  Upcycling offers a unique opportunity for a team to explore their innovation and creativity while learning a positive sustainable message. 

Art In A Day is best delivered in an indoor environment in 2-3 hours and easily be incorporated into company conferences.